Friday Prayers – South Street: & | Amity Road:


Reading Islamic Centre has a long tradition of developing boys and girls understanding of Islam and encouraging high aspirations. Our pupils are bright and enthusiastic; their joy in life and curiosity spirit make education an absolute pleasure.

We strive to show the correct pathway and necessary resources to develop their skills and thinking in ways that give them the full advantage at school and the resilience and flexibility to make the most of the opportunities that come their way.

“We have without doubt, sent down the message and we will assuredly guard it from corruption.”
Quran (15:19)


Class Name Cost (£) Availability
Nazra Class Boys – Age 10+ (Amity Road) 20/month
Nazra Class Girls – Age 10+ (Amity Road) 20/month
Nazra Class Boys/Girls – Age Under 10 (Amity Road) 20/month
Nazra Class Boys – Age 10+ (South Street) 20/month
Nazra Class Girls – Age 10+ (South Street) 20/month
Nazra Class Boys/Girls – Age Under 10 (South Street) 20/month
Hifz Class (South Street) 30/month